Summary ] Introduction ] Do black holes really exist? ] What is a black hole? ] [ Could a black hole threaten the Earth? ]


Nowadays, scientists think that there are three main hypothesis which could present a danger for the Earth.

 A) If the sun turned into a black hole, would it suck in the earth?



The Sun is the nearest star,    its diameter is fifty times bigger than the Earth’s one, and its mass is about 330 000 times more important.




At the end of its life, we could think if the Sun would explode that it could become a black hole and then represent a treat for the Earth. Don’t worry ! Even if, the Sun explodes, collapses and forms a black hole, the Earth and other planets would continue to orbit just as they do now, because no planet would be inside the event horizon.

     Moreover, scientists are sure that the Sun will never be a black hole. In most circumstances, when the Sun will consume all its hydrogen it will turn into a white dwarf. Indeed, the sun’s density is not enough important to get to the final state which is black hole.



   Finally the White Dwarf will disperse all its heat and die becoming  a heap of dust ! So, the probability that the Sun become a black hole and that it could swallow the Earth is null !

    Yet, we cannot really tell if the Sun die at its end that it would not be a danger for the Earth, because as everybody know without the Sun, the Earth cannot exist. But, this is another problem!

 B) A black hole in the center of the Milky Way !

        The second hypothesis which could be a danger for the Earth, is the black hole located in the center of our galaxy “the Milky Way”. Indeed, astronomers have pointed with precision the existence of a black hole, which its center is nearby the constellation called “Sagittarius A”. The mass of this black hole is estimated as 2,6 million times bigger than the one of the Sun, and its diameter is about equal to the distance from Sun to Mars, 249 millions kilometers.



    Yet, this galactic black hole is 25.000 light years away from the Earth.  So, there is much more mass between us and the center of the Milky Way, which mean that the Earth is not in the Event Horizon and even in its gravitational field, so that the black hole is insignificant in affecting the Earth.


C) What would happen if two supermassive black holes collapsed ?

     The collision of two galaxies, which have both a supermassive black holes in their center, would provoke the merging of the two black holes.

   The Andromeda galaxy is the nearest galaxy with a galactic (supermassive) black hole. So our Milky Way galaxy could enter in collision with Andromeda, because these two galaxies (Milky Way and Andromeda) are approaching each other with a speed of 300,000 miles per hour. Their collision would lead to a grand merger between the two galaxies, and would evolve into a huge elliptical galaxy. This might happen no sooner than ten billion years in the future.




Here is an illustration of what the collision would be.

The supermassive black holes in their respective centers would form a black hole of gigantic size and density which could be a threat to our solar system, since it would be within the event horizon of this black hole. As a matter of fact, the Earth would be totally swallowed in one gulp.



Simulation of the merger of two black holes

     On the three analyzed assumptions, we saw that the Earth is not directly threatened by a black hole.  The only possibility for the Earth to be  absorbed by these giant monsters would suppose that the collision between our galaxy and Andromeda occurs.  

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